
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Looking At Out Expectations Of Social Work Social Work Essay Essays

Looking At Out Expectations Of Social Work Social Work Essay Essays Looking At Out Expectations Of Social Work Social Work Essay Essay Looking At Out Expectations Of Social Work Social Work Essay Essay I am traveling to briefly discourse the significances of hazard. Whilst I am cognizant that there are many theories of hazard, I have identified three chief subjects and will be researching these in relation to modern-day societal work, the subjects of governmentality, cultural theory and hazard society. Present twenty-four hours societal work is concerned with affairs of exposure and hazard ( Kemshall et al, 1997 ) , ( Dalrymple and Burke, 2006 ) , ( Parton, 1996 ) , ( Titterton, 2005 ) , ( Hothersall and Mass-Lowit, 2010 ) . Media coverage of serious instance reviews sing the deceases of kids have led to an onslaught of unfavorable judgment into societal work pattern. In looking for definitions to specify hazard, I found several significances. Traditionally hazard was defined neutrally as a chance or likelihood a behavior or event will happen ( Lishman, 2002: 154 ) , ( Munro, 2002:64 ) , for illustration the possibility of a addition every bit good as a loss. Kemshall ( 2002 ) discusses the utilizations of hazard to insurance and a mathematical chance attack to hazard. In postmodern society, hazard is now attributed to the footings of danger or jeopardy ( Lupton, 1999 a: 12 ) . The construct of Governmentality was developed by the Gallic philosopher Michel Foucault in the ulterior old ages of his life between the late 1970 s and his decease in 1984. His construct provides an apprehension of power, non merely in footings of the power of the province from a top-down attack, but in the more elusive signifiers of power exercised through a web of establishments, patterns, processs and techniques which act to modulate societal behavior ( Joseph 2010:225 ) . Power is noticeable in a positive manner through the production of cognition and discourses that are internalised by persons, steering the behavior of populations and taking to more efficient signifiers of societal control. Parton ( 1994 ) cited in Pease ( 2002 ) writes how persons permit authorities at a distance through being encouraged and supported to exert freedom and pick. Because power is de-centred persons play a function in their ain self-governance. Criticisms of Foucault argue that he fails to recognize that power is non equal to all. It can besides be argued that he lacks mention to the exercising of power in relation to race, age, gender and category, particularly how accessible power is between different societal groups. Cooper ( 1994: 450 ) argues about the character of the engineerings of power sing racialist and gendered discourses being used. It was argued that Foucault was non attentive to how people respond to discourses in their day-to-day lives ( Lupton: 1999 B: 102 ) . Critics besides believed that Foucault lacked consciousness in the power establishments had over persons and that persons behaviour in society was down to following regulations of conventions ( Hoy: 1986:151 ) . Feminist critics such as Hartstock ( 1990:171-172 ) believe Foucault s apprehension of power diminishes persons to objects of power than persons able to defy. Foucault s work on specifying the dealingss and mechanisms of power like governmentality can back up societal workers to believe about their place of power within the constructions ( that maintain the subjugation of service users ) in their work. Empowerment uses societal scientific discipline to work out societal jobs and is a societal justness discourse in societal work. It allows societal workers to redistribute power and cognition in their pattern, whilst challenging and battling unfairness and subjugation. Empowerment develops capacities of persons, whilst underscoring single duty. Pease ( 2002:137 ) argues that there is an premise that power is something that can be given and authorising person is to confabulate. Therefore as Braye and Preston-Shoot ( 2003:100 ) discuss, authorization is about laden people taking the power and demanding to be heard . Because cognition is cardinal to understanding power within society, in order to authorise service users there must be a reallo cation of cognition, an rebellion of subjugated cognition as indicated by Foucault ( 1977 ) . Listening to service users and leting them to hold more control over seeking solutions to their jobs or placing their demands within the wider societal context, is another illustration of authorization. We belong to many societal groups, some by pick and some because they are forced upon us. Within these groups, some have more or less power over others. Social workers need to be cognizant of difference and diverseness and develop a greater sense of ego consciousness about the hazards of labelling, pigeonholing and keeping subjective beliefs. The term Risk Society describes a society that is exposed to harm as a consequence of human activity. German sociologist Ulrich Beck ( 1992 ) foremost used the term, although British sociologist Anthony Giddens has besides written on the same capable affair. Both writers argue worlds have ever been subjected to put on the line, e.g. natural catastrophes but these are seen as being caused by non-human forces. Modern society is now exposed to hazards such as terrorist act, chemical pollution and atomic power. Giddens ( 1999 ) defines these as external and manufactured hazards , external being hazards originating from nature ( e.g. implosion therapy ) and manufactured hazards being the consequence of human activity, e.g. developments in scientific discipline and engineering. As worlds are responsible for manufactured hazards, both Beck and Giddens argue that societies can measure the degree of hazard being produced in a automatic manner that can change the planned activity itself. Peoples are now more wary of what professionals tell us, which is different to the position of the older coevals. We are more critical of professionals and more likely to oppugn them They believe there is an addition in reflexiveness ( the thought that society c an accommodate to new hazards ) as a response to hazard and uncertainness in postmodern society, but Beck ( 1992:21 ) relates this to more hazards and jeopardies being produced, where Giddens ( 1999:3 ) believes in human subjectiveness being more sensitive to put on the line. Criticisms of hazard society inquiry the degree of hazard in postmodern society. Turner ( 1994: 180 ) inquiries whether life has become more hazardous in the present twenty-four hours, than how it affected persons in the yesteryear. Ungar, cited in Goode and Ben-Yehuda ( 2009: 82 ) argues that the menaces of today infuse fright every bit good as, non alternatively of the past frights. Culture, race and gender do non have in both Beck and Giddens Hagiographas and it could be argued that it would be hard for an person to be automatic sing struggles of this nature. Joffe ( 1999 ) argues that there had been a failure to recognize emotion in regard to how people cope with life in a hazard society. Delanty ( 1999:171 ) draws from the unfavorable judgments by Lash, reasoning that Beck and Giddens do non recognize the cultural dimension of reflexiveness, due to ignoring corporate bureau such as the community in favor of individuality. Social work has changed from a concern with demand to one of hazard ( Kemshall, 2002 ) . The media perceptual experience of societal workers neglecting in their responsibility to forestall the deceases of kids or protect the populace from persons known to be mentally sick, has led to more bureaucratic solutions, through statute law, processs and guidelines ( Ferguson, 2004 ) . Blame is allocated due to the accent in hazard ( Douglas, 1992 ) . The ordinance of hazard replaces need as a focal point and concluding for societal work intercession. Lishman ( 2007: 164 ) writes how working with hazard will ever stay a hazardous concern, but with the aid of sound methods and defendable decision-making it can be good managed . Titterton ( 2005:50 ) argues there is no such thing as a hazard free option: all options hold possible hazards . Lishman explains further that in the clime of the blasted civilization, hazard appraisals need to be of a criterion that contain defendable determinations that can keep up in instances where there has been a hazard failure ( 2007:157 ) . There is the danger that in utilizing hazard appraisals to look into handiness for a service, there is the possible for the societal worker to be distanced from the service user. Involving the service user to make their ain hazard appraisals and explicate what they believe are the hazards is a signifier of authorization, which places them at the Centre of the procedure. Clutton et Al ( 2006: 18 ) links the engagement of the service user to empowerment, Risk appraisal may be authorising if it allows the service user to take an informed determination on future action . Social workers have to be able to asses the predicted results of a possible hazard to a service user but this is non ever easy. Differing readings of a state of affairs due to the cultural and societal background of people and groups can do understanding hazard and hazard direction hard in determination devising ( Reed et Al, 2004:149 ) . Service users have started to do picks in how they interact with societal services e.g. self-referral. In order to do programs about their lives, societal workers need to interact with households in new ways that recognise their disadvantage and subjugation in society. It could be asked if service users truly have pick or do they have options within pick? Harris and White ( 2009:100 ) see pick to be a cardinal component of the authorities s modernization docket and are established in services such as direct payments and pick of infirmary. Labeling of service users in appraisals as disturbed , at hazard , in demand , describes behavior from a value position ( Dalrymple and Burke, 2006 ) . Slovic ( 1999 ) writes how risk appraisals are coloured by subjective opinions of the societal worker at every phase of the appraisal procedure. Hall et Al ( 2006:23 ) argues nevertheless that classification of service users in studies, meetings and in the tribunal is an outlook of societal workers as a practical and professional responsibility to supply appraisals and supply a class of action or services. The impression of Culture Theory developed by Mary Douglas ( 1966, 1798 ) and Douglas and Wildavsky ( 1982 ) has been influential in looking at positions on hazard. Cultural theory purposes to explicate how personality and cultural traits influence hazard perceptual experiences and why different people and societal groups fear different hazards. Douglas argues the relation of hazard to political relations and its nexus to answerability duty and incrimination ( Lupton, 1999:39 ) . Douglas and Wildavsky ( 1982 ) introduced the grid/group construct to explicate how cultural proportions can compare society. It defines how people can be divided into four types that predict how they react to different types of hazards- Individualist, Egalitarian, Hierarchists and Fatalist. Thompson et Al ( 1990:5 ) explain group as mentioning to how much the person is integrated into enclosed units and grid to how much a individual s life is restricted as a cause of exterior compulsory instructions. Douglas s theory is non without unfavorable judgment. Lupton ( 1999:7 ) inquiries the media s contributory function to the hazard cognition of their audience. It can be argued that you can non anticipate how anyone will act in response to a peculiar circumstance and that cultural theory is opaque, non taking into history the complexnesss of modern society ( Rayner, 1992, Boholm, 1996 ) . Tansey and O Riordan ( 1999 ) argue the theory is deterministic and takes no history of the free will of persons. Ostrander ( 1992 ) makes a outstanding statement, proposing that cultural theory should use to societal environments in order to separate societal systems as a whole. It could besides be argued that as Douglas does non explicate how risk perceptual experiences sing to persons and administrations change over clip, her theory could be seen as inactive ( Bellaby ( 1990 ) . Gross and Rayner ( 1985:18 ) argue that Douglas fails to explicate, what economic incentives or wants dispose indivi duals to alter their societal place . Accountability means being answerable to others for the quality and efficiency of one s attempts. Social workers are accountable to service users, the community, their section and their supervisors. They must be able to explicate what it is they do, how it is done and that their work meets professional criterions for competency. Mishra ( 1984 ) , cited in Wilson et Al, ( 2008:39 ) writes how there is a decrease in professional liberty and control due to answerability and structural demands being placed on bureaus. Social workers, through fright of misestimating a state of affairs can set about cautious and defensive pattern which falls short of sing the deductions, hazards and benefits to the service user of the determinations made and measures taken. Bamford ( 1990 ) writes how societal workers must develop a system of answerability which does non lose sight of the demands of the clients and their support systems . O Hanlon, cited in Parton and O Byrne ( 2000: 88 ) , separates blame from answerability in that answerability features duty, is authorising and promotes self bureau. Incrimination does non ask for co-operation, is estranging and stopping points down possibilities. An illustration of the links between hazard and incrimination is the instance of babe Peter, who was killed by his female parent s spouse and was the topic of a multiple sum of media attending, proportioning incrimination on the societal workers in his attention. The description of injury and danger portrayed by the media, the authorities and organizational responses to ailments and legal action, ensuing in a blasted civilization is a effect of hazard antipathy employed by some societal workers ( Furedi, 2002 ) . This could go forth societal workers experiencing the demand to protect themselves and hesitant, taking to go throughing the incrimination onto other people. Webb, ( 2006:70 ) links blasted civilization to put on the line turning away being the chief precedence, ensuing in tighter steps of answerability and transparence being involved. Kemshall ( 2002: 94 ) suggests blame serves to beef up answerability, but besides subtly to command information flow and use and to reenforce trueness and solidarity with peculiar point of views on hazard . Duty of the societal worker is linked to answerability. These are sustained in codifications of pattern, the jurisprudence and day-to-day verbal exchanges. Hall et Al ( 2006: 16 ) depict how professionals are aware of their interactions, should their address causes their behavior to be accountable. Parton and OByrne ( 2000: 183 ) discourse the moralss of duty in which service users are able to speak freely about themselves, their state of affairs and the best manner to work out their jobs. Social workers are back uping service users to take duty for their ain actions, which replaces constructs of cause and finding Howe ( 1986 ) , cited in Parton ( 1996:88 ) . The duty of the societal worker is to the wellbeing of service users, but there are times when they work in state of affairss that are conflicting. Dominelli ( 2009:11 ) offers one account of this in a care-control quandary , when there is a demand to equilibrate the finding of the service user with injury. The societal work ers duty to the wider society and attachment to the jurisprudence mean that at times the wellbeing of the service users may non take precedence. In decision we have considered the impact of hazard in the field of societal work. In making so we have identified three chief theories, that of Govermentality, Risk Society and Culture Theory. We have analysed the impact of societal work on these theories. Govermentality Theory helps us to understand power and the production of cognition that enables persons to regulate themselves. Empowerment, as discussed antecedently enables service users to derive control over determinations that affect their lives. Risk Society Theory helps us to understand how communities are organised in its response to hazard. This has been discussed in relation to societal work in the media and the bureaucratic defensive patterns that have developed as a consequence of extended coverage of high profile service weaknesss. Culture Theory seeks to explicate how the societal context in which we operate affects our responses to put on the line. As considered earlier, answerability is a agency for societal worker s to explicate their actions and the logical thinking behind them, blasted civilization leads to societal workers experiencing discerning and self-preserving of their function. The societal worker besides has duty to the service users, but besides to the wider society. Word count 2563

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Writing An Effective Fiction Query

Writing An Effective Fiction Query Writing An Effective Fiction Query Writing An Effective Fiction Query By Maeve Maddox Id rather write a 60,000 word novel than a one-page query letter, but I know that a query letter is my chief tool for winning the attention of a literary agent. Here are some things to consider when pitching your novel in a query letter. Keep It Brief One page is best. Two pages are acceptable unless the agents guidelines ask for one page. Then it had better be one page. Using 8-point type to fit more on a page is not an option. Use at a minimum 10-point type in a standard font such as Times or Times Roman. Bookman is good, but keep in mind that 10-point Bookman is larger than 10-point Times. NOTE: Many editors and agents prefer manuscripts to be typed in 12-point Courier. Thats what I said, COURIER, the font that looks like old-fashioned typewriter type. Keep it Professional Some agents accept email submissions, but they will not accept attachments. That means everything you send must be dumped into an email. Unless the agent specifies email submissions only, I prefer to send my query packet the old-fashioned way so I can control the formatting and presentation. Letterhead: With a computer you can make your own letterhead, but if you send a lot of queries, you might want to treat yourself to a professional print job on quality paper. Even if you make your own letterhead, use quality paper for the query you send, and not the cheap copy paper you use for drafts. Content: In a query letter you have about five paragraphs with which to pitch your project. The agent doesnt want to know how much your mother likes your book, or how many cats you have. The agent wants to know: 1. What the genre of your novel is, its title, its word length, and the gist of the story. 2. Why you are competent to have written it. Observe my choice of tense here (to have written): if your project is a novel, dont query an agent until the novel is as complete and as error-free as you can make it and has been critiqued by at least three competent fellow writers from your writers group. You dont belong to a writers group? Why not? 3. Your writing background and experience. If you dont have any published writing to mention, then include some other indication of your professionalism: writing conferences attended, writing courses taken. If you have absolutely zilch, remain silent on the subject. Your writing will have to speak for you. 3. How they can contact you if they are interested. Believe it or not, some people send queries and even entire manuscripts to agents without including a return address. Keep it on a Rational Plane Avoid being either arrogant or subservient. Dont announce that your novel is the next DaVinci Code or that you write better than Toni Morrison. On the other hand, dont whine about how little youve had published, or how deeply, earnestly, eternally grateful youll be for the agents consideration. After you have provided a brief synopsis of your project (paragraphs 1 and 2), an indication of your novels genre and length (paragraph 3), some information about yourself and your writing credentials (paragraph 4), close the letter with a final paragraph in which you thank the agent, offer to send your completed manuscript, and sign off. If you are sending queries to several agents, you may wish to tell the agent that your query is a simultaneous submission. NOTE: Before writing your query, while writing your query, and after having written your query, study the agents submission guidelines. Make triple-sure that your query conforms to them, and that you have spelled the agents name correctly. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)Precedent vs. Precedence90 Verbs Starting with â€Å"Ex-†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Sustainable Business in Our Changing Landscape Research Paper

A Sustainable Business in Our Changing Landscape - Research Paper Example The organization has introduced various products up till now and is always on the frontline for taking advantage of all the latest technological breakthroughs that happen globally. The strategy of diversification has proven to be successful for the company, and it is evident from its continuously increasing performance. The challenging phase of the organization was when it was sued for doing unethical marketing activities – it was believed that the corporation forced its suppliers to supply the raw materials only to it. Other challenge encountered was the violation of anti-competitive strategy, and it was evident from the company’s tactics of getting monopolistic position in the market. Afterwards, the environment was becoming tougher and more competitive, and, presently, all businesses are facing rapid changes happening in the business environment. Some of the major changes, as highlighted by Witiw (2007), that are happening in the volatile environment of today are the following: global economic recession is happening at a faster pace; the economy of a country is severely impacted by the failures of the organizations, by natural disasters and terrorist attacks; top management needs the employees’ supports to enhance the performance; behaviors of the consumers are changing, and children are observed using computers and other technological gadgets at a very early stage; suppliers of the country are impacted by the production facilities transfer to China and India; natural disasters have been occurring at an increasing rate across the world; and violence is spilling from society to various schools, colleges and workplaces. Therefore, the best way of conducting business activities these days is to use the online tools so that the companies are able to respond to consumers’ demands proactively. The trend of shifting from traditional ways of running the business enterprises to online direct selling to the customers is evident – the strategies adopted by Dell, Nokia, Apple, HP and many other companies are the examples. Therefore, the best tool for Microsoft Corporation is to do e-marketing and develop good and an effective e-marketing plan. A Sustainable Business in a Changing Landscape Introduction Internet has revolutionized the way organizations do business these days and it has eased ample activities for the business. Now, businesses can do every activity with few clicks, and they just need to remain well-informed about the technological advancements that are happening these days. The organizations must design their business objectives and strategies in a way that they take advantage of amenities provided by the internet (Smith & Chaffey, 2005). Likewise, internet has opened diverse range of avenues for businesses to conduct their activities and the best opportunity given to companies is that of e-marketing (Rossi et al., 2007). In order to ensure that businesses are able to survive in such a tough and com petitive environment, they will have to develop strategies that will help them earn the customers’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Week #7 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week #7 - Article Example Nature’s standards include productivity, but also require that the land be used well and that people are willing and able to use it well† (Bring It To The table, p.3). I strongly agree with Berry’s core belief towards being responsible caretakers of Mother Nature so as it will also be kind to us humans. This is especially relevant today, highlighting the need for humans to be more educated towards how to treat and use our natural resources well because of the many natural disasters that have taken many lives and livelihood from people. â€Å"Bring It To The Table† & â€Å"Jorge Luis Borgers: Funes, His Memory† for me has a lot of correlated ideas. In the line of the narrator to Funes that said â€Å"this rhapsody of unconnected terms was precisely the contrary of a system of enumeration. Funes did not understand me, or did not wish to understand me" (Jorge Luis Borgers:Funes, His Memory, p.113). Just like how we have a tendency to just take from the world or Mother Nature and disregard the proper processes such as in agriculture, in the end, nature will take its toll on us in such a way, perhaps, that it produces harmful produce that through years of intake would cause our bodies serious harm. Therefore, based on these two readings, I would say that there are no exemptions to the Golden Rule. â€Å"Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Recognizing Women artists Essay Example for Free

Recognizing Women artists Essay Linda Nochlin’s article tries to bring to light the differences that exist between men and women art and how this disparity has been linked to the distinct nature of men and women. However, Nochlin believes that the differences that may exist in art do not come about as a result of ones gender but rather these discrepancies are influenced by particular social institutions. This, Nochlin says, is because art develops in a specific social situation and that it is usually a fundamental component of that social structure. Nochlin further explains that art can not be considered a free self-directed activity that can be influenced by social forces since it crops up in a social situation, gender, previous artists and other things normally considered influential notwithstanding (Nochlin, 1988, pp. 147-158). As a result therefore, Nochlin states how feminity does not count when it comes to evaluation of great artists. Therefore Nochlin defines the background of some of the great artists like Picasso who came from already artist families. Nochlin also cites how the works of Redon and Corot, both male, had a feminist touch thus it could not be concluded that women art should be classified according to its own standards. This argument makes sense because art is not gender based; rather it is learned through teaching, apprenticeship or even from a long experience period (Nochlin, 1988, pp. 147-158). I agree with Nochlin’s reasoning because one can not classify art as masculine or feminine. When one sees a piece of art, what comes out is the expression captured in that piece of work and not the masculine or feminine touch in it. Therefore Nochlin’s argument is sound because even if it is assumed that women artists are inward-looking, delicate and nuanced in their art pieces, other male artists also exude such characteristics in their work. For instance Redon’s pieces were inward turning and Corot’s art was also delicate and nuanced (Nochlin, 1988, pp. 147-158). Nochlin’s position relies upon the assumptions that great art is a result of intelligence and talent. It is not merely influenced by gender, social class or any other social forces. This is true because great artists like Michelangelo produced exemplary pieces because of the talent they had and not because of social influences. Further still, artists such as Giotto became great artists even though he started off drawing on stone. It is the intelligence and talent that he had in art that elevated his work to great art (Nochlin, 1988, pp. 147-158). Besides, Nochlin’s position also relies on the assumption that the creation of art entails its own form of language. What is more, this language comes to life in paper and not in a mere story that could be told to another party thus disregarding the feminist notion in art. This argument is true because art is learned and perfected through experience and this means that regardless of gender artists with the experience can bring out great art work (Nochlin, 1988, pp. 147-158). Therefore this means that women can produce great art as much as men because art is not gender based. Art is learned and comes to perfection from a period of experience. Besides, great art is also primarily a result of an individual’s intelligence and talent therefore other social forces are just secondary factors in the creation of great art. This therefore implies that women art can be accorded much attention and appreciation if only people could get a deeper insight into what art really entails (Nochlin, 1988, pp. 147-158). Reference Nochlin L. (1988). Why have there been no great women artists? Women, Art and Power and Other Essays. Westview Press.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Aristophanes Views On Love :: essays research papers

Aristophanes Views on Love In the Symposium, a most interesting view on love and soul mates are provided by one of the characters, Aristophanes. In the speech of Aristophanes, he says that there is basically a type of love that connects people. Aristophanes begins his description of love by telling the tale of how love began. He presents the tale of three sexes: male, female, and a combination of both. These three distinct sexes represented one’s soul. These souls split in half, creating a mirror image of each one of them. Aristophanes describes love as the search for the other half of your soul in this quote: â€Å"When a man’s natural form was split in two, each half went round looking for its other half. They put their arms around one another, and embraced each other, in their desire to grow together again. Aristophanes theme is the power of Eros and how not to abuse it. Aristophanes thinks that a human’s love is clearly â€Å"a lack† – a lack of one’s other half- and having no meant to satisfy themselves they begin to die. Zeus, having failed to foresee this difficulty repairs the damage by inventing sexual reproduction (191 b-c). Any â€Å"embracements† of men with men or of women with women would of course be sterile – though the participants would at least â€Å"have some satiety of their union and a relief,† (191 c) and therefore would be able to carry on the work of the world. Sex, therefore, is at this stage a drive, and the object is defined only as human. Sexual preferences are to emerge only as the human gains experience, enabling them to discover what their â€Å"original form† had been. Aristophanes has mildly insulted the previous speakers in two ways. By claiming that one of the original forms was androgynous, he has suggested that heterosexuality is at least as natural as male homosexuality – as is being a lesbian. In contrast, Empedokles in fact did hold to a theory of sorts based on fitness to the environment, the description at 191c strongly suggests that only heterosexual relationships yielding only a temporary satisfaction and relief, allowing the participants to go about their business. He does go on to suggest that those who are sections of androgynes are â€Å"adulterers† â€Å"adulteresses† (191 d-e), but this can only show the rather bizarre belief that sexual intercourse with a member of the same sex does not constitute adultery.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Formal letter for request sponsorhip Essay

Good day! My name is Ang Teck Kui and I am a business student from ALC college, Klang is organizing a charity fundraising event for our final year project. I represent my team Raiser of Hope Carnival 2014 which is consists of 13 passionate business students from ALC College to write this letter to your esteemed organization to request for a sponsorship. We are given an opportunity by ALC College, Klang to organize this special event to help create awareness on social responsibility by companies and the public to the society. In addition, we as business students will be able to gain experience as business person through this project. The event that we have chosen is carnival and the details are as follows: Event Type: Charity Fund – Raising Carnival Event Venue: SMK Tengku Ampuan Jemaah No. 1, Jalan Pandamaran, 42000, Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor, Malaysia Event Date: 30th November 2014 (Sunday) You can refer to our Sponsorship Benefits on our proposal to find out about the sponsorship benefits packages according to the amount sponsored. We accept sponsorship in both monetary value and as well as products by your company. We hope to receive a favourable reply form your good organization regarding the sponsorship. For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me Ang Teck Kui at 016-9967729 or email me at raiserofhope2014@gmail.com . Your organization kind support and assistance to our cause is greatly appreciated by our team.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Junk Food and Fast Food in the UAE Essay

In the last 3 or 4 years, many schools in the UAE started selling junk food and fast food to the students. Junk food and fast food is known for causing obesity among people all around the world. As Dubai Health Authority (DHA) public relation agency we will try to raise awareness about the harmful effects of junk food and fast food on people especially the students who still in schools, and why junk food and fast food should should be banned in schools across the UAE. Dubai Health Authority (DHA), was created in June 2007. The DHA aims to provide a valuable, accessible, and integrated health care system to protect the public health. Its mission is to guarantee access to health services, advance and continue the quality of these services, improve the health status of nationals, visitors and residents, professional health sector. According to an article entitled â€Å"A weighty concern: obesity and fast food in Dubai.† The city fast changing lifestyle have accompanied it with the opening of many new restaurants, and especially the fast food restaurants, because the people are choosing to have a nice and delicious meal in a minute and with cheap price, this habit had transformed to their children. And then this also had made some schools in UAE start selling them ignoring the harmful effects of them on the students. (Faust 2012) Furthermore, the first step that will be taken is that we will start planning our organization goals and objectives. Second, we will identify our target audiences and their demographics and know more about their backgrounds. Third, we will start researching about the problem and try to find solutions for it. Fourth, we will start planning the tools and the tactics that we will be using; for example: how many news releases we will be using through the year, the media outreach tactic: trying to promote our organization in many types of media. Fifth, we will start making a case study about the problem; we will use the web, newspapers, books, magazines etc.., and try to know more about the problem. In addition, we will be doing blogs and join social networks to promote our PR organization more. Furthermore, we will start our communication plan with : 1- Explaining the organization to the public by: handling press releases all around the UAE to get the people know about our organization. Additionally we will distribute brochures in the schools and to make our organization more known. Additionally, we will join the social networking sites to communicate with the public widely. Also, we will create a website that contains all the information that we want the people to know about our organization and how does it work. 2- We will identify our target audience: who do we want to send the message to. Our target audiences the Ministry of Education, and the schools around the UAE that sell junk food and fast food. 3- The methods for sending the messages: we will try to have media contacts all around the UAE for example: we will spread our message through the television programs, and also through advertising our message in newspapers, magazines, etc.†¦ . Moreover, we will measure the success of our communication plan by: 1- Count down how many press releases, news releases, articles in magazines, online articles are produced in a given time. 2- Measurements of how much did our message succeeded, did the public respond positively to the organization’s message. 3- Conducting regular surveys to measure the effectiveness of our organization. 4- Monitoring how many people are cooperating with the organization. We will see how many people are communicating with the organization through the social media for example: twitter, Facebook. Post information online about our organization and monitor how many people are visiting our website or blog. And allow the public to make comments about our organization. According to an article entitled â€Å"Crisis Communication Plan: A PR Blue Print.†, There are some steps can be taken if the communication plan fails: 1- Establish a communication crisis team: this team is important to identify what actions should be taken. The job of the team primary is to identify the plan actions and find a spokesperson. 2- Try to know more about what caused the communication plan to fail. List some examples that may contribute to the failing of the communication plan, and try to fix them. Ignoring the situation will only make things worse. 3- One spokesperson will represent the organization, we will try to make official statements and allowing the ask media to ask questions about the situation if possible. (Freeo, 2012) Moreover, this assignment made me learn more about how to make an effective public relation message. Additionally, after writing this report, I feel that makes me an expert in handling public relation plan and how to handle the plan if it fails. Also, it gave me more information about handling any public relation organization messages in general.

Friday, November 8, 2019

History and Background of the Kashmir Conflict

History and Background of the Kashmir Conflict Kashmir, officially referred to as Jammu and Kashmir, is an 86,000-square-mile region (about the size of Idaho) in northwest India and northeast Pakistan so breathtaking in physical beauty that Mugal ​(or Moghul) emperors in the 16th and 17th century considered it an earthly paradise. The region has been violently disputed by India and Pakistan since their 1947 partition, which created Pakistan as the Muslim counterpart to Hindu-majority India. History of Kashmir After centuries of Hindu and Buddhist rule, Muslim Moghul emperors took control of Kashmir in the 15th century, converted the population to Islam and incorporated it into the Moghul empire. Islamic Moghul rule should not be confused with modern forms of authoritarian Islamic regimes. The Moghul empire, characterized by the likes of Akbar the Great (1542-1605) embodied Enlightenment ideals of tolerance and pluralism a century before the rise of the European Enlightenment. (Moghuls left their mark on the subsequent Sufi-inspired form of Islam that dominated the subcontinent in India and Pakistan, before the rise of more jihadist-inspired Islamist mullahs.) Afghan invaders followed the Moghuls in the 18th century, who were themselves driven out by Sikhs from Punjab. Britain invaded in the 19th century and sold the entire Kashmir Valley for half a million rupees (or three rupees per Kashmiri) to the brutal repressive ruler of Jammu, the Hindu Gulab Singh. It was under Singh that the Kashmir Valley became part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The 1947 India-Pakistan Partition and Kashmir India and Pakistan were partitioned in 1947. Kashmir was split as well, with two-thirds going to India and a third going to Pakistan, even though Indias share was predominantly Muslim, like Pakistan. Muslims rebelled. India repressed them. War broke out. It wasnt settled until a 1949 cease-fire brokered by the United Nations and a resolution calling for a referendum, or plebiscite, allowing Kashmiris to decide their future for themselves. India has never implemented the resolution. Instead, India has maintained what amounts to an occupying army in Kashmir, cultivating more resentment from the locals than fertile agricultural products. Modern Indias founders- Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi- both had Kashmiri roots, which partially explains Indias attachment to the region. To India, Kashmir for the Kashmiris means nothing. Indian leaders standard line is that Kashmir is an integral part of India. In 1965, India and Pakistan fought their second of three major wars since 1947 over Kashmir. The United States was largely to blame for setting the stage for war. The cease-fire three weeks later was not substantial beyond a demand that both sides put down their arms and a pledge to send international observers to Kashmir. Pakistan renewed its call for a referendum by Kashmirs mostly Muslim population of 5 million to decide the regions future, in accordance with a 1949 UN resolution. India continued to resist conducting such a plebiscite. The 1965 war, in sum, settled nothing and merely put off future conflicts. (Read more about the Second Kashmir War.) The Kashmir-Taliban Connection With the rise to power of Muhammad Zia ul Haq (the dictator was president of Pakistan from 1977 to 1988), Pakistan began its slump toward Islamism. Zia saw in Islamists a mean of consolidating and maintaining his power. By patronizing the cause of anti-Soviet Mujahideens in Afghanistan beginning in 1979, Zia curried and won Washingtons favorand tapped into massive quantities of cash and weaponry the United States channeled through Zia to feed the Afghan insurgency. Zia had insisted that he be the conduit of arms and weaponry. Washington conceded. Zia diverted large amounts of cash and weaponry to two pet projects: Pakistans nuclear-weapons program, and developing an Islamist fighting force that would subcontract the fight against India in Kashmir. Zia largely succeeded at both. He financed and protected armed camps in Afghanistan that trained militants whod be used in Kashmir. And he supported the rise of a hard-core Islamist corps in Pakistani Madrassas and in Pakistans tribal areas that would exert Pakistans influence in Afghanistan and Kashmir. The corps name: The Taliban. Thus, the political and militant ramifications of recent Kashmiri history are  intimately connected with the rise of Islamism in northern and western Pakistan, and in Afghanistan. Kashmir Today According to a Congressional Research Service report, Relations between Pakistan and India remain deadlocked on the issue of Kashmiri sovereignty, and a separatist rebellion has been underway in the region since 1989. Tensions were extremely high in the wake of the Kargil conflict of 1999 when an incursion by Pakistani soldiers led to a bloody six-week-long battle. Tensions over Kashmir rose dangerously in fall 2001, forcing then-Secretary of State Colin Powell to de-escalate tensions in person. When a bomb exploded in the Indian Jammu and Kashmir state assembly and an armed band assaulted the Indian Parliament in New Delhi later that year, India mobilized 700,000 troops, threatened war, and provoked Pakistan into mobilizing its forces. American intervention compelled then-Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who had been particularly instrumental in further militarizing Kashmir, provoking the Kargil war there in 1999, and facilitating Islamist terrorism subsequently, in January 2002 vowed to end the presence of terrorist entities on Pakistani soil. He promised to ban and eliminate terrorist organizations, including Jemaah Islamiyah, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Jaish-e-Mohammed. Musharrafs pledges, as always, proved empty. Violence in Kashmir continued. In May 2002, an attack on an Indian army base at Kaluchak killed 34, most of them women and children. The attack again brought Pakistan and India to the brink of war. Like the Arab-Israeli conflict, the conflict over Kashmir remains unresolved. And like the Arab-Israeli conflict, it is the source, and perhaps the key, to peace in regions far greater than the territory in dispute.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Unusual Things to Do for Christmas

Unusual Things to Do for Christmas When you come home for Christmas break this year, bring some creative ideas with you. If you’re tired of celebrating things the same way year in and year out, make some suggestions for how to shake things up at your house this holiday. Whether it’s celebrating in a new destination or drastically changing the menu, there are lots of ways to make this Christmas different from any other. If you don’t have any ideas that strike you, take some inspiration from this list: Volunteer Christmas isn’t a day of sharing gifts and feasting for many people. People without homes or families are in need of care during the holidays and volunteering for a soup kitchen or spending time with elderly people in a retirement home can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Youll be surprised how many benefits volunteering can bring you. Go Camping Get away from all the commercialized expectations of Christmas and grab your tent and head out into the woods. Warming up by the fire and sleeping under the stars can be a refreshing change from Christmas party mayhem. Get Out of Town Go a step further and check out altogether by celebrating Christmas somewhere else this year. Whether it’s in a foreign country, or someplace warm like a tropical beach or just someplace different, it can certainly be an alternative to the usual Christmas routine. Celebrate Christmas Traditions From Around the World Make a pià ±ata and fill it with coins and candy like in Mexico. In Ukraine, a twelve-course meal is served and the family’s youngest child sits by the window to watch for the first star to appear in the sky, signaling that it’s time to eat. Or dust off the snow and fire up the barbeque Australian style. Or do everything by candlelight for the entire day like in traditional Swedish lore. Do you want to know more about other Christmas traditions? Check out the blog on interesting facts about Christmas. Some of them will really surprise you! Fast for the Day Most Christmas celebrations involve eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of alcohol. Whether you want to avoid packing on the pounds or simply don’t wish to participate in the gluttony, fasting on Christmas would certainly be a departure from the norm. Put on a Christmas Play Get your family members together and put on a play. Maybe it will be based on an existing play or film like A Christmas Carol or It’s a Wonderful Life or A Charlie Brown Christmas or How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Or maybe you’ll make up your own play that’s totally unique. In any case, it can be a fun and creative way to get into the festivities. You can invite other family members, friends and neighbors to come and watch. Decorate Your Car If you think that decorating Christmas trees is too boring, put some tinsel and lights on your car so you can spread Christmas cheer even if you’re just driving to the gas station to buy coffee creamer. However, you can make an unusual Christmas tree instead. Bring a Guest If you have a friend from school who doesn’t have a place to celebrate Christmas this year, bring them home with you and share your family traditions with them. Rent a Horse-Drawn Sleigh Depending on where you live, you might be able to rent one of these for the day and get taken around a park. Don’t forget to bring some carrots for the horse. Plant a Tree This can be a great way to celebrate and spend time together as a family. Also, you’ll enjoy the fruits of it in the years to come. If it’s a fruit-bearing tree, save some of them during the year and use it to make a pie to eat on Christmas day to commemorate the day you planted it. Go Vegan Whether or not you’re actually a vegan, it can be a creative way to celebrate this year. Look up some vegan entree and dessert recipes and get your meat-eating father to participate in making it with you. If you get tired from the same scenario of celebrating Christmas but you still want to party, here youll find funny party themes for Christmas that you might actually like. Enjoy a unique Christmas this year with some of these fun and unorthodox ways to celebrate!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Property Law&Practice 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Property Law&Practice 2 - Coursework Example The main reason that leads to the formulation of part II of the agreement was to bring protection to the business tenants. A business tenant having protection by the act will not get any eviction simply by the receipt of notification to relinquish the house, or by the lapse of a fixed term of the tenancy evacuate the room or building. It is stipulated that the landlord, in consideration to evacuate the tenant, has to serve the tenant with an evacuation notice. The tenant, on the other hand, has to respond to, before any action including eviction can be carried out. On the same note, part II of the same act is applicable to the tenancy where the property being used obtains the protection. The act talks of an inclusion of the premises which includes those occupied by the tenant for the use of the business carried out by that tenant. The purpose might be for the specified business, or any other businesses carried out by the tenant. The act has some exceptions such as the one seen in S.4 3., for the company to improve that all the tenants take a lease period of more than six months. This is already applicable to all the tenants to ABC. The act does not provide a cover from the leases less than six months and have no scope for renewal. Even though both parties involved can agree on not to be covered, it is important to note that having a cover is very important, both to the business and its tenants, as well. Additionally, the tenancy that is granted by purpose of engagement by the guarantor has to be covered. Additionally, a tenancy that has obtained a grant by reason of occupation by the grantor gets excluded from the Act. This holds as long as there is clear agreement that states the purpose for which the tenancy exists. The condition of leasing of the building hall to the tenant who will then lease individual rooms to other businesses may prove productive in the long run. The tenant should take advantage of the fortification offered through the act. As a letting c ompany, the houses should be left under the control of the management. This will ensure maximum returns on the investment carried out. For ABC Company to make significant progress, it has to get a timely and accurate performance of the assets. It should also ensure that it gets market information relating to other people who deal in the same businesses. Any successful investor has to make sure that it embraces core assets management strategies. This has a pivotal role in ensuring that they make better investment decisions. They can also see to it that critical staff gets freed, and those left to manage the property do it diligent and efficiently. It is a common undertaking nowadays that most businesses experience fluctuating business cycles. This problem gets compounded by credit contractors and limited liquidity. Therefore, the company should seek accounting and finance services relating to the following scales; account receivable, Corporate Accounting/General Ledger, account payab le, portfolio accounting, as well as fund accounting. To avoid the risk incurred by fluctuations in business, ABC Ltd has to make sure that the terms of leases to do not rely on the profits and losses of the tenants. There are several ways that the property investment can be maximized. They include the following 1 Exit strategy: even though the business has already acquired the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of eBay ECommerce Models and Applications Essay

Analysis of eBay ECommerce Models and Applications - Essay Example It is used to evaluate the historical keys to victory and failure and modern progress. It identifies and assembles a commerce-enabled store website and observes what is considered necessary both to develop and sustain the conception store. It also studies suitable approaches and technologies for creating a flourishing e-shop business. It judges the suggestion of mobility on e-business value chains. From now on, you will be grateful for that 'e-commerce' is a rapid developing spot of both practice and research. A large amount of what you read will use the terms e-business model(s) and e-commerce model(s) interchangeably. The clarification that tracks makes a wide difference between the two. e-business model is a 'structure' for organizing e-businesses in terms of planned business objectives, and e-commerce model is a scheme for commerce, processes that give details, in familiar terms, where the supplies and capital flow. Companies are taking the little risk path. They are utilizing the source of internet for doing business on the same old strategies to attain lower cost expenses. The main risk is that e-commerce grows as an island in the customary business and the increasing gap between the two could compromise the entire business. The sites on internet are emerging as new market places for people. ... Fundamentally the business on internet is divided in to three areas, Business to business (also known as B2B), Business to consumer (also referred as B2C) and consumer to consumer (i.e. C2C). Amazon.com a famous domain which sells books over the world wide internet which sells books over the Internet, is an example of a B2C E-commerce initiative where the company gets in touch with its consumers directly. This is equivalent to the direct selling concept popularized by companies such as Amway. The only difference is that the selling is done via the Net. On the other hand, ChemConnect.com and Chemdex.com (which deal with chemicals) are B2B E-commerce initiatives that bring two firms together on the virtual market place. One of the ideal examples of the sites including all these features is "eBay." It is a small world of internet and trade itself and has developed as an important business model for e-commerce. When eBay first started on, the site instantly turned out to be a well-liked channel for auctioning figurines, but it soon merged into other markets as it was a part of them such as automobiles, business and industrial tools, and customer electronics, where the average sales price (ASP) is higher. Increasing the ASP was a dangerous component of increasing sales for eBay, as eBay's contract fees are based on a percentage of sales. The higher the ASP, the more money eBay earns on each of the million transactions it assists. EBay has found and internationalized computerized online person-to-person auctioning. Formerly, such commerce was carried out through garage sales, collectibles shows, flea markets, and classified advertisements. An online marketplace helps easy checking for buyers and permits sellers to record an item for sale within minutes of registering.