
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Anti-Matter :: essays research papers

Anti-Matter Introduction habitual matter has negatively charged electrons circling a positively charged nuclei. Anti-matter has positively charged electrons - positrons - orbiting a nuclei with a negative charge - anti-pro lashings. Only anti-protons and positrons be able to be produced at this time, but scientists in Switzerland have begun a series of experiments which they believe will lead to the creation of the first anti-matter ingredient -- Anti-Hydrogen. The Research Early scientists often made two mistakes about anti-matter. whatever thought it had a negative mass, and would thus feel gravity as a push rather than a turn. If this were so, the antiprotons negative mass/ nada would cancel the protons when they met and nothing would remain in reality, two extremely high-octane gamma photons atomic number 18 produced. Todays theories of the universe say that there is no such thing as a negative mass. The second and more tough mistake is the idea that anti-water would onl y annihilate with ordinary water, and could safety be kept in (say) an iron container. This is not so it is the subatomic particles that pit so destructively, and their arrangement makes no difference. Scientists at CERN in Geneva are working on a device called the LEAR (low energy anti-proton ring) in an start to slow the velocity of the anti-protons to a billionth of their normal speeds. The slowing of the anti-protons and positrons, which usually travel at a velocity of that near the speed of light, is neccesary so that they have a chance of meeting and combining into anti-hydrogen. The problems with research in the field of anti-matter is that when the anti-matter elements touch matter elements they annihilate each other. The total have mass of both elements are released in a spectacular floor of energy. Electrons and positrons come together and vanish into high-energy gamma rays (plus a reliable number of harmless neutrinos, which pass through whole planets without effec t). Hitting ordinary matter, 1 kg of anti-matter explodes with the force of up to 43 million tons of TNT - as though several thousand Hiroshima bombs were detonated at once. So how can anti-matter be stored? Space seems the only place, both for storage and for large production. On Earth, gravity will sooner or later pull any anti-matter into disastrous contact with matter. Anti-matter has the opposite effect of gravity on it, the anti-matter is pushed away by the gravitational force due to its opposite nature to that of matter.

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